Thursday, July 30, 2009

What a rigmarole to signup to I had to send them a link to my webpage and then they asked me to put a link to labmeeting on my webpage and finally they let me sign up. It took 4 days!
If Mendeley took had the same strategy they wouldn't have 22,607 users with 2,723,657 articles. Couldn't find any stats for
Pdf data extraction was just as bad in Labmeeting as in Mendeley. In labmeeting you can't provide a doi lookup.


Unknown said...

Hi Joseph, just wanted to point out that we are continuously working on improving the metadata extraction - it's not an easy thing to do, but we try to get better with every release.

Best wishes

Jan said...

Hi Joseph, just wanted to point out that we are continuously working on improving the metadata extraction - it's not an easy thing to do, but we try to get better with every release.

Best wishes

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